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Thank you for this interesting Rougelike. I enjoyed the simplicity. Though I am a little fuzzy about the goal. I reached the end of the level and uploaded all my stuff, but can't seem to be able to do anything else. Unable to advance to the next level. I'll give it another try next time I play it. Good first effort. I look forward to see what you do with it.
p.s. Is it possible to download the game? If so I'd love to be able to play it offline.

The goal at the moment is a typical roguelike goal of getting through a number floors. To advance to the next level you press '>' (aka shift+period) while standing on top of the connection to the next level (indicated with '>').

I'm hoping to make it a bit less simple in a bit here. I had to engage in some vicious scope-cutting to make a complete game by the end of the jam.

As for downloading, I think you should be able to download the web version from itch? This is my first time hosting something here. There's also a Linux build of the game I could potentially upload. I can get it working on Windows+Mac as well with a little effort, but I'd need to spend time on it as well as set up a test install since I don't currently have a Windows machine around.

I wanted to chime in with my own experience-- I also sat on the downstair for a while, unable to go down, re-reading the directions to try to figure out if I missed anything. In the end this was the issue--I always use right-shift for >, since it is on the same side, but the game only recognizes left-shift (and left-ctrl and left-alt). Using left-shift got me down to the next floor no problem.